A recent move by one of the country’s biggest corporations raises serious questions about the government’s visa program and the willingness of businesses to outsource jobs at the expense of Americans.
In what can only be described as throwing American workers under the bus, tech giant Intel has opted to lay off 12,000 employees. Although the company insists that the cutbacks are a necessary part of a major restructuring plan, other activity undertaken by the company proves that it is neither suffering from financial hardship nor an excess of labor.
Not only is the company seeing a marked increase in it’s performance this year, but it has repeatedly lobbied for foreign workers to fill positions. In fact, Intel has earned a name for itself as one of the biggest users of the controversial H-1B program, which effectively allows corporations to replace well-qualified Americans with professionals from other countries who are generally willing to work for significantly lower wages.
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This isnt cheap labor. This is globalists taking over america, one step at a time.
it’s like Obamacare. A failed program that hurts everyone.
Impeach OBama now!!!! What is wrong with Congress. Supreme Courts…. Short term limits for Congress!!!!
Not that I am not against intel laying off 12k workers,,,,, there has to be workers smart enough to produce for the company and make a profit… If the US schools cannot provide them (duh) then the company uses foreign workers, who can… This is an indictment on the US school system not the H-1B program.
This is so sad what these companies are doing to Americans !
By the time Bernie and Hillary gets thru ther will be no more Jobs in America, then who will pay for their freebees? YOU WILL.
We need Trump to end this BS
Won’t support this…AMD makes a processor just as good
Workers were last to KNOW…..Wake-up people before its to late…..America FOR Americians…