A recent move by one of the country’s biggest corporations raises serious questions about the government’s visa program and the willingness of businesses to outsource jobs at the expense of Americans.
In what can only be described as throwing American workers under the bus, tech giant Intel has opted to lay off 12,000 employees. Although the company insists that the cutbacks are a necessary part of a major restructuring plan, other activity undertaken by the company proves that it is neither suffering from financial hardship nor an excess of labor.
Not only is the company seeing a marked increase in it’s performance this year, but it has repeatedly lobbied for foreign workers to fill positions. In fact, Intel has earned a name for itself as one of the biggest users of the controversial H-1B program, which effectively allows corporations to replace well-qualified Americans with professionals from other countries who are generally willing to work for significantly lower wages.
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It’s because America is a big corporation and its in bed with foreigners and it owes money . Gov power at its best.
here we go again
They wouldn’t have closed is Bernie was president. $15 an would have kept the jobs here
They should outlaw the H-B visas unless some shortage is proven beyond a doubt to exist. Let someone but these greedy corp decide what is beyond a reasonable doubt. With all the college grads every yr., who can’t find a job, there should never be any shortage of workers. The govt needs to stop allowing these foreign workers into our country. It’s their fault to begin with. When the corps see they can get cheaper labor of course they will take advantage of it.
The CEO’s future.
Just the begining the take over is in full swing
Don’t buy Intel products I will never
INTEL isn’t apparently too intelligent. This is c**p. I hope they crash and burn if they replace American workers with foreigners. Pathetic company.
WHAT THE$#%&!@*IS WRONG HERE ?????????????
My next computer won’t have Intel inside