In what has got to be one of the most ridiculous ‘gun fear’ stories of the year, 16-year-old Alex Stone of Summerville High School, a suburb of Charleston, SC was actually ARRESTED for a writing assignment that mentioned shooting a gun.
“I killed my neighbor’s pet dinosaur, and then, in the next status, I said I bought the gun to take care of the business.” the student stated about his writing assignment.
[/nextpagelink]Student Arrested For only Writing About Shooting A Gun[/nextpagelink]
We must Wead out of our society any reference to political correctness, or liberalism in any context, we can’t put if off much longer because this insanity is only going to get worse.
I guess there’s no common sense in South Carolina!!
Sue the hell out of every agency involved. His rights to free expression have been trampled and there is no excuse for it. How many blacks were arrested for wearing hoodies with Zimmerman’s face in the cross-hairs and blatantly calling for his illegal vigilante execution? THIS COUNTRY DISGUSTS ME!
Do your Home work or fail do it and get arrested for doing it. This is really saying something about teaching and the freedom of speach
Stupid move on authorities! Parents watch your son.Gun HO $#%&!@*s has a target on him, I would move from such idiots,The police will probably harass his entire teen years.
things like this are all bull$#%&!@*
Common Sense, his brother Horse Sense, and his sister Rational Thinking have passed away….It’s a sad day for America
I once cowrote a story in school that involved shooting a killer with a shotgun on Mars.
Nothing happened to me or my cowriter except we got a good grade.
Insane liberals strike again !!!