In what has got to be one of the most ridiculous ‘gun fear’ stories of the year, 16-year-old Alex Stone of Summerville High School, a suburb of Charleston, SC was actually ARRESTED for a writing assignment that mentioned shooting a gun.
“I killed my neighbor’s pet dinosaur, and then, in the next status, I said I bought the gun to take care of the business.” the student stated about his writing assignment.
[/nextpagelink]Student Arrested For only Writing About Shooting A Gun[/nextpagelink]
now you cant write what you think next its gonna be what time can I go to the store or go to the hospital this is crazy
Thought crimes your busted!
Big brother, communism, tyranny, dictatorship…call it what you want it’s America today. And the liberal Demolemmings are totally to blame!
This is stupid along with the people that think if you think about killing something then you are going to become a mass murderer! Grow up idiots this kid did nothing wrong! I’m a big hunter I kill stuff for the sport I also have a concelled license. This doesn’t mean I’m going on a killing spree! I have never even had it cross my mind and I carry a 45 everywhere. This school is made up of a faculty that’s a bunch of dumb ass’s
lisahawks says:
“what if can’t afford private school or how can you home teach if you are working?”
Every American should have basic weapons training. Learning how to safely handle a firearm was always an early component of American Education until the liberals starting telling folks how dangerous it was to try to Protect Yourself and your Family. I started shooting at about 10 years old with my Grandfather and later took lessons at the local POLICE range under the tutelage of a professional arms instructor (first with BB gun then 22 long rifle). If more people know how to Safely handle a weapon and USE it when needed there would be a Lot less crime and accidental shooting.
liberals in action again
He should file a lawsuit against them and everyone who gets punished for their RIGHT’s should start also…TIME TO FIGHT BACK for our kid’s…
I wrote a compare and contrast essay on the m-16 vs. AK-47 at a college English class and my professor (who was very liberal) gave me an outstanding grade! I was slightly nervous to turn it in, but I was very have with my college’s professionalism on the subject.
People have lost all sense of reason.