In what has got to be one of the most ridiculous ‘gun fear’ stories of the year, 16-year-old Alex Stone of Summerville High School, a suburb of Charleston, SC was actually ARRESTED for a writing assignment that mentioned shooting a gun.
“I killed my neighbor’s pet dinosaur, and then, in the next status, I said I bought the gun to take care of the business.” the student stated about his writing assignment.
[/nextpagelink]Student Arrested For only Writing About Shooting A Gun[/nextpagelink]
Disarm the populace? That’s absurd. There’s more guns in America than ever and gun sales skyrocket every time the nra tries to scare you into thinking your guns are gonna get confiscated, which they won’t.
How will we defend our selves against terrorists and unjust search and siesure
I think every man and woman that think gun are so bad should be put in a place where they had guns that had been destroyed and had no food that could be brought in a store and had to deal with a bunch of freaks with guns and knife as well trying to hunt for food using no guns
These liberals have completely lost thier ability to think before they act like idiots.
They are trying to indoctrinate our kids. Get a attorney and sue their ass.
Fkin bullsh*t!
STUPID. OMG, maybe they ought to arrest anyone that wrote the word “terrorism” cause that might stop a terror attack?
Leave the kid alone. He has hurt NO ONE & it is his Right to bear Arms to defend!!!
How many children died in 2013 in the care of the South Carolina Department of Social Services ? The answer to the question is seventy six . South Carolina extorts children for money via Child Protective Services . Your tax dollars are funding murder . Wake up sheepeople . They will take your child any way they can .
In this country only the Gestapo should have guns.