In what has got to be one of the most ridiculous ‘gun fear’ stories of the year, 16-year-old Alex Stone of Summerville High School, a suburb of Charleston, SC was actually ARRESTED for a writing assignment that mentioned shooting a gun.
“I killed my neighbor’s pet dinosaur, and then, in the next status, I said I bought the gun to take care of the business.” the student stated about his writing assignment.
[/nextpagelink]Student Arrested For only Writing About Shooting A Gun[/nextpagelink]
Just completely crazy! This country has gone NUTS!!!!!!!
This is why liberals should be banned from teaching
How will people ever grow up to be police officers or front line military if they are not allowed to talk about/discuss/write about guns? None of these acts actually kill people. They do, however, bring out the ignorance in others!
for the last time, get your kids out of these Obama controlled public brainwashing public $#%&!@* schools, HOMESCHOOLING IS NOT DIFFICULT, This is your child’s future and safe’ty at stake here.
Insane. Unreasonable, panic-attack fear by the left.
I have shot a gun before are the coming after me? Here we are in Obama’s and Harry Himler Reid’s Nazi America…
He needs to sue the $#%&!@* out of anyone involved with his arrest as that VIOLATES freedom of SPEECH
this is the stupidest thing I have ever heard these school’s get worse everyday