A 39-year-old Muslim man, who was drunk at the time, decided to liberate a children’s scooter that was parked outside the Adass Israel Synagogue in Ripponlea, south of Melbourne on Thursday night.
When some Orthodox Jews emerged from the synagogue to suggest this was not appropriate behavior for a fine, upstanding Muslim man, he became angry and violent, slapping the Rabbi in the face after he was asked to “talk nicely.”
See who was attacking whom, page 2
I think that was jew do!
I am impressed that he didn’t get stomped into a mud hole. Hats off to the entailment for keeping as calm as they did.
Drunk and drugged?
Now deport his humping ass
And they’re cheap as hell. As far as I’m concerned, those are all criteria for a responsible, model citizen.
If it wasn’t religion it’d be skin color. If it wasn’t skin color it’d be sexual orientation. If it wasn’t sexual orientation, it’d be income. See where I’m going with this?
Yes, you’re going where the chips on other peoples’ shoulders lead you.
I thought alcohol is not allowed in their religion of peace.
That is the weakest fight I ever saw.
I realize these Jewish men acted responsibly when they caught a drunk muslim stealing property, however these rabid dogs need to be put down not incarcerated.
Bruce you really need to study history. The first Christian crusade didn’t happen until after over 400 years of the Muslim Conquests. Most every Muslim killed by Jews or anybody else, has been in reaction to being attacked first.
You can choose not to believe it. Doesn’t change the fact that it’s true.