For years, the LGBT community has decried “homophobic” treatment by Christians. Christians who disagree with homosexuality or gay marriage are vilified extensively by those on the left and by the mainstream media. Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Mike Huckabee, and Rick Santorum are some of the most prominent Christian lawmakers to have made negative remarks regarding homosexuality or gay marriage in the past — and subsequently be attacked by the left.
Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis rose to the top of the Liberals’ Most Wanted list in 2015 when she refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, citing her religious belief that marriage is only between a man and a woman. Davis was savaged on social media, in the mainstream media, and by liberal politicians.
These same voices who tore Kim Davis apart for her opposition to gay marriage have been starkly silent when it comes to leaders within the Islamic community who preach that homosexuals should be put to death.
This week, a very influential voice within Britain’s Islamic community advocated his position that gays should be murdered whether they live in the Muslim world or in the West. To read more, continue on the next page:
Jeannie Roberts Moore
Let me clarify this a little for you a bit more, I took the law regarding immigration and reworded it to show that one fact about islam, in so much that the editor of the paper here gave it the green light to be printed but they backed out over one word. QU’RAN…
There are things that need to be said about the immigration practices that the White house is trying to impose on the U.S.A and the people of this great country.
One in particular that should scare you beyond anything you will ever face.
And there is a law in place that pertains to this also, but for some reason they seem to ignore this law.
The most evil thing is found in the QU’RAN and what it says about the infidels: The infidels must convert to Islam or they must DIE.
And no where is the Bible is a verse like this found!.
So as you can see by that very statement above, either you convert or you will be eliminated.
Congress passed a law on June 27th, 1952.
And it basically says: Thoes who attest to the QU’RAN as their life guidance (principle) can not assimilate here.
Islam is not a REGILION it is their way of life, and from a governing aspect, it is their form of goverment, ie: The QU’RAN, SHARIA LAW AND THE HADITH – all require complete submission to Islam.
The United States Law is Public Law 414.
You can view the entire law in Chapter 2, section 212 under the heading of “The Immigration and Nationality Act”.
And another part of this law states that;
Aliens who are affiliated with any “ORGANIZATION” that advocates the overthrow of OUR goverment are prohibited…
And do not believe that some will argue that Islam is a Regilion, it’s not as its a form of goverment . See Sharia Law.
This p***k will never be British!!
There is a time and a place for all things, and it will come , like a thief in the night, and colect its do.
Your kind has been influenced by the devil. What right do you have to judge people created by God? You only kill in defence.
Two to the chest one to the head
6 ft under
Kill all gays and muslims
And You wonder why the Brits Voted to get out of the European Union.
And still the LGBDTULND (and any other oppressed group I might have missed) welcome all those muzlame refugees with open arms. Well I guess ya just can’t fix stupid can ya ?
Sick sick sick