We have spent 50 years listening to left wing tripe about “colonialism” and all the evils it brought to this world. The story was always the western world forced it’s way of life upon the unfortunates of certain locales, stealing their tea, killing their culture and making pale-faced babies.
While oft times this was true more or less, the nuances of this imperialism were always washed away in a tidal wave of social justice clap trap.
Now in 2015, India has spoken boldly about the United States pushing “Carbon imperialism” upon the less fortunate nations of this world. Secretary John Kerry said India would be a “challenge” to get then to the table on climate change agreements and India was having none of it.
The truth of the matter is now the rest of the world is feeling the imperial entitlement President Obama has conferred upon himself. It is not enough that armed ISIS and other jihadists, caused a global disaster refugee crisis and meddled in the destruction of Egypt, Libya and other Islamic states.
Now President Obama, will decree that developing countries must stay exactly as that and never aspire to the first world status of western nations.
See page two for India’s response to John Kerry
“Perhaps Arvind was listening when Christiana Figueres, the executive secretary for the U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, admitted during a news conference that the real goal of all the climate change propaganda is to kill off capitalism.”
Climate change? **test**: What was the TECHNOLOGY in the year 1880 for recording, within a fraction of a degree, the 300 million cubic MILES of ocean water……..for an accurate global mean temperature. Take all the time you need…………. #incredibleclaimsrequireincredibleproof
So far 81 people have liked this let me tell u how I came to this conclusion I hear Obama say those words climate change and the Lord said to me that moment New Order Order. Which translate to one world government.
Global warming is a big joke.
Smart Man.
Obamas ignorance
#DonaldTrump NO MATTER WHAT!! I am a very Michigan Proud Female Supporting TRUMP 2016 for PRESIDENT!! Dems have NO chance! TRUMP is the BEST MAN for PRESIDENT!!!
Really! Sounds about right.
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Climate change is code for New World Order & population control.