From the moment Donald Trump announced his long-shot bid for the presidency, pundits claimed that he would not be able to secure enough minority voters to succeed.
After Donald Trump officially accepted the Republican presidential nomination, finishing his first step on his road to the White House, we gained insight into the people that helped him get that far, and they aren’t as white as the media would have you believe.
Shalabh Kumar, a Hindu-American, Chicago businessman and Republican mega-donor, has emerged as one of the Trump campaign’s foremost fundraisers, donating nearly a million dollars to the GOP nominee’s campaign.
Since that news broke, Kumar has had to respond to allegations of racism in the Trump campaign, and he’s shooting down the notion entirely.
See how Kumar defended the GOP nominee on the next page:
FYI back in the day the democrats were the conservatives the same assholes that are in your republican party today
His a troll… Don’t engage
Mary Koehler Knock All true, Democrats did start slavery, this is not the first time the KKK switch parties. Now the KKK is very much apart of the Republican party. Trump and family have a very long history of being in the KKK. Sorry, the Republican party own this.
zahn you are worthless trash
You are very wrong… Is This left or Right? Is This left or Right?
I’ve experienced antisemitic and anti Italian racism from a hell of a lot more democrat KKK members than republican gun owners…. That’s strange. I’m not party biased, I’m a constitutionalist. You are a liar Bob Zahn. Obama and HRCs policies were destructive to Israel. Trump is a friend of Israel and the Jewish and Italian communities. Finger pointers like you are the true racists and Nazis, Antifa is literally identical to$#%&!@*s browncoats.
Not to mention Dr. Martin Luther King was republican…. And the overwhelming number of African-American and Hispanic Trump supporters, employees, and his African-American campaign manager, and ex and his foreign wife ALL say you’re dead wrong. So are you lying, or delusional?
A suggested edit; ‘You can’t give The Left any facts they don’t like; basically, all of them!’