In a Bernie versus Trump head to head, which candidate stirs up the most violence? The media has presented Trump as the one who is “inciting violence” at his rallies, while ignoring the facts that the unrest comes from the paid agitators who are socialist Sanders supporters.
A popular YouTuber, Joey Salads, conducted a social experiment to settle the score. He hit North Hollywood streets to compare the reactions of passersby while he held a Bernie sign and alternately, a Trump sign.
Hollywood, is by default, the land of liberalism and thus it is a Socialist Sanders Paradise, but the amount of hate seen in social experiment underscores just how lost those on the left truly are.
Check out the video on the next page by clicking the link.
Gee, what a surprise. I always said that if you think liberals are the loving, compassionate people they claim to be, disagree with one. They have big mouths, like to be in your face but, have nothing to back up their remarks.
All you Bernie supporters out there that have parents or grandparents with 401’s or pensions for incomes you will be hurting them drastically with a 90% tax rate to pay for all that free stuff.
Just watch their rallies and y’all get your answer!!!
Day Vs Night. Truly amazing, and the Liberals call the Right hateful?
Bernie….. It’s a cult
Obama……. or is that just plain stupidity oozing out of the idiot. Sorry Killary, you are still in second place.
I wonder how many of them vote for anybody.
not an accurate experiment. In California, he would, of course, have more Bernie supporters and much less Trump supporters. If he wanted to do a more accurate experiment, he would need to go to several different locations in the country
If the media wasn’t bias and did their homework, they’d have the right answer. Trump has the most violence, BUT the violence is coming from Cruz, Hillary and Bernie’s crew. They are the ones inciting violence. If you notice, there’s no violence at the other 3 candidates because Trump’s crew or supporters aren’t low down scums.