Dangerous Things wants you to toss your boarding pass and passport out the window and use their xNT implant, which has been successfully implanted and used by Andreas Sjöström, the vice president and Global Head of Digital.
An NFC chip allowed Sjöström to wave his hand over a scanner, bypassing the usual security checks and right onto the airplane. The chip contained his Scandinavian Airlines EuroBonus member ID and the airport is already set up with NFC readers.
Many who have followed this story have valid concerns about the technology. Concerns range from the possibility of the chip to be hacked and thus allowing the person to be tracked anywhere he goes, stealing his identity and much more, to the prophetic mark of the beast – a forced mark that one must take in order to be able to buy and sell anything in the future.
On the following page, watch Andreas Sjöström’s video documenting his experiment.
Tell your family friends about this, keep reminding them because I plan to keep telling everyone I know
People, really??? The true mark of the beast is in your forehead. What can change your mind? Free will and if we love God and live for Christ then we will not nurse along the great deception of the Antichrist. Stand strong, stay the course till Christ returns. All who believe and love Christ will be under God’s protection. It will not be easy but he will strengthen us. Be wiser than the serpent.
Not in my life. You will be a walking RFD to send and receive messages.
Mike Brimhall Sorry but the rapture will be going with the wrong guy for it is the great deception. I know a chip is not the mark of the beast but will never willingly do it for it could be a kill poison if we do not comply. Government is evil and God has given us safe guards if we stand strong till Christ returns and sets things straight to make heaven on earth.
I am so impressed!!! Thank you sister for you know truth.
The mark of the beast is being deceived in you forehead and your right hand nursing along the great deception thinking you are working for Christ when it is the anti christ. Nothing they put in you or on you can change the heart, only deception can do that one. Study to show thyself approved.
obama did not turn us from God we did that all on our own. Be accountable, we did not raise our children well. It started in the churches. Pastors don’t even know they are teaching ways of man now in most churches for they too have been deceived.
obamacare will be the vehicle used.
Have you read the Bible?
Read your bible folks. It will tell you all about this!