Dangerous Things wants you to toss your boarding pass and passport out the window and use their xNT implant, which has been successfully implanted and used by Andreas Sjöström, the vice president and Global Head of Digital.
An NFC chip allowed Sjöström to wave his hand over a scanner, bypassing the usual security checks and right onto the airplane. The chip contained his Scandinavian Airlines EuroBonus member ID and the airport is already set up with NFC readers.
Many who have followed this story have valid concerns about the technology. Concerns range from the possibility of the chip to be hacked and thus allowing the person to be tracked anywhere he goes, stealing his identity and much more, to the prophetic mark of the beast – a forced mark that one must take in order to be able to buy and sell anything in the future.
On the following page, watch Andreas Sjöström’s video documenting his experiment.
Not surprised. It’s in Obama Care. Don’t tell me I am nuts. Read the bill in its total. It’s there
Karen Thompson Arber. Suzanne Daughtry Atwellne why couldn’t you buy sell or trade then???
Then do tell Suzanne Daughtry Atwell why couldn’t you buy seek or trade???
Never!! I have been saying for years they were planning this and it is coming……we cannot give in!!
the birth of that technology lies in the modern credit/debit card. all the financial data is centralized, with the help of computers and secure telecommunications. this means they’re easier to insure and it provides convenience for the end user. it’s tough but not impossible to use a completely f**e credit card and it’s nearly always detected, although there are ways to game the system (identity theft, etc.)
when the internet showed up all this technology exploded. the mass influx of online transactions meant that more and more people forego using cash as anything but a backup, preferring to use their plastic instead. the debit card to take funds from their bank account, the credit card for short-term loans (at least that’s the idea).
they sell us this technology as though it’s about our convenience and our safety, but it’s really about control. monitoring who buys what, and when, how much they spend, and then building a consumer profile of that individual that the credit institutions could use to market additional lines of credit to you. when internet advertising really started to take off, these consumer profiles began to become entangled with advertising profiles generated from sites like google or yahoo that watched your every move, looking to serve ads that you might click, thus allowing them to turn a profit.
then social media came along – this happened right about the same time that the government realized it could get its hands on the massive data from google and the credit/banking institutions and combine them into single profiles on individuals. social networking got caught into that mix – now they could mine data not only on your spending habits, or what you were interested in via what you searched on google – but based on what you directly typed into your myspace or facebook account.
every word you type into this site is logged. even if you delete a post or message it’s still there, deep within facebook’s servers, and it’s still attached to your name. all of this data is available to the federal government, along with the other data sources. they are able to build a complete psychological profile on you and it’s all about control. notice how you’ve never had to pay any money to do a google search, or use facebook? these companies don’t make money providing an end-user service, they make money mining your data and selling it to anyone they can. and their single biggest customer is invariably the United States federal government.
it’s ALL about control. the more stuff they can move on to the digital domain, the more they can keep an eye on you. it’s constant digital surveillance. they’ve learned to use this information to psychologically manipulate people. the goal of doing away with paper money isn’t about “socialism”. it’s not about “technology”. it isn’t to “stop crime”. it’s to ensure that every single transaction that isn’t a trade/barter is added to their database.
the cashless society starts with spreading seed technology everywhere first. you probably hold this in your hand right now, the new human appendage i.e. the smartphone. once user permeation reaches 99%, they’ll declare it a fundamental civil right to access the phone/internet. soon it’ll be illegal to be disconnected. at that point we’re in the net – they can mandate all our transactions be “recorded”. it’ll start with “smart cash” – micro RF chips embedded into cash, making it difficult to pay anonymously. this technology is already well on its way towards being implemented. things like bitcoin will be publicly set-up as associated with terror organizations and then subsequently outlawed. old dollar bills will be taken out of circulation at the banks and replaced with new ones complete with tracking chips that can communicate with your smartphone, or wearable, or laptop – ensuring they know where the money is at all times. money without the rf chip will be un-usable (and indeed, possibly considered illegal) for most transactions.
finally, they’ll do away with the paper money completely. when they do this, the illicit market in goods will be dependent completely on the smartphone and on an ever-increasing number of people who carry high-density storage inside their body via rf chips. because of the extreme difficulty in removing these chips – resulting in injuries that would not go unnoticed – more and more people will be tagged. it will be offered for “free” by the government to “enhance your security” and “prevent theft”. first it will be voluntary. then it will be mandatory.
then, you will not be able to buy or sell anything without it.
that’s the technology behind the mark of the beast. where are we today? out of those 8 paragraphs, we live in the beginning of paragraph 7.
i wrote most of this text six years ago.
Suzanne, why then couldn’t you buy sell or trade without it???
Nice. So all a terrorist has to do is kill someone, take their chip, and waltz on to a plane. What an extremely stupid idea.
Matthew 6:24 “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” the Word of our Lord, Christ Jesus
its gonna be a chip that will contain all your info and will be tracked by the gps system. they will know the exact spot your at 24/7 and know everything you buy.
Brett Vasey Oh but I have, took back to original languages after realized I had been lied to by the church. I read it forward and backwards. I may make many mistakes in this life but I love my Heavenly Father above all else and take eternity seriously. No mark can change your love for God. Why do you think God seals the minds of the elect? Shortened the time for the sake of the very elect? Think you need to study a little deeper. Stock up then don’t have to buy and sell or have silver to barter with for always have black market.