Obama has committed more crimes than the average person in prison, technically over 2,000 by Rush Limbaugh’s count, and has completely violated the Constitution and has brought this country close to ruin, yet our country has failed to reign in this traitor.
While calls for impeachment has come from Republicans for some months, nothing could be done with a Democratic controlled Senate.
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With Obama we are not promised tomorrow!
IMPEACH OBama !!!!!!
Impeach? How about imprison the traitorous s.o.b.!
$#%&!@* is one confirmed RINO!!!!
A revolution on liberals is the only cure. It should be clear by now that the liberal view is against the constitution. Therefore against our country. In God we trust, forever
How can we, on the civilian level, do what we can to get him out of office. He seems to be untouchable. I wish the Congress of today had the integrity and backbone that our founding fathers did.
Impeach most of them, that might solve the problem.
Donna Harmon ! How well do you know Mr. Ben Carson??
All the ones that want to keep there high paying jobs will be on Obummer’s side.