Obama has committed more crimes than the average person in prison, technically over 2,000 by Rush Limbaugh’s count, and has completely violated the Constitution and has brought this country close to ruin, yet our country has failed to reign in this traitor.
While calls for impeachment has come from Republicans for some months, nothing could be done with a Democratic controlled Senate.
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impeach obama
What will be done besides bit#h on Facebook? Its not like anyone reads this after its gone.
I agree.
Does anyone really believe that Congress will impeach Obama? If you do, I have a bridge for sale, cheap!
Revolution is the only answer to impeaching Obama!
Are we to far gone?? I hope not
When our GOP did not boot BONEHER from his seat showed me that we are screwed!!!!
Looser mohamed me moha la verga
He believes he is above the law and congress does not have the stones to do anything about it.We have a new congress coming in maybe they will grow the stones to stop him.
When!!!!!!!! TIME IS NOW..WE THE PEOPLE!!!!!
What are they waiting for ?