Obama has committed more crimes than the average person in prison, technically over 2,000 by Rush Limbaugh’s count, and has completely violated the Constitution and has brought this country close to ruin, yet our country has failed to reign in this traitor.
While calls for impeachment has come from Republicans for some months, nothing could be done with a Democratic controlled Senate.
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If they impeach him, we get Biden.
Impeach the Muslim t**d. ..
Prison for him!
After his impeachment we will have ”DUMBO BIDEN” but with a Republican Congress for the remainder of the term we can cut ”DUMBO BIDEN” off at the knees to where he can do nothing. If that doesn’t work for a small fee I am sure we can call in “THE CLINTON HIT FAMILY” to eliminate him entirely, Hillary would like that just to get Biden out of the way so she can run in 2016 Hell she may pay to have him disappear and rule it suicide as with her other “CLIENTS” of the past.
How about we throw out all you whiny bastards who can’t stand the fact that Obama inherited a cesspool of a situation and now we are back in the global drivers seat with low inflation and whittling down the deficit. How on Gods green earth rush and beck and Cunningham can blame Obama for the republican policies that got us into this mess defies all reason. Yes Obama drove the deficit up to a nightmare level but I haven’t seen ANY republican do ANYTHING but add to the deficit. We still have auto manufacturing, something you whiny people think isn’t important! You all will probably claim to be Christians but none of you have the guts to agree that the poor deserve good health or food to eat. You’re so caught up with what’s yours and who’s taking it away but you go to church on Sunday so everyone can see how pious you are.
Yes, Obama is a fraud and crook. I suppose your republican presidents are not.
I’m sick of the Obama bashing! So I say to most of you whiny bastards who have posted on here, YOU get the hell out of the country and leave the rest of us to our peace.
Oh yeah , btw all you geniuses who prefer sarah palin over Biden, pull your heads out of your asses
So Paul Chad Richards suppose you get the HELL out of America instead of us Patriots who fought for this country and it’s peoples freedoms which you sick morons repeating the same old garbage that has been tried time and time again and has never worked calling yourselves Progressives and taking away our freedoms. All the garbage you guys vote for has been tried as far back as Sodom and Gommorah.. I’m not a Sarah Palin guy but she is a polished Diamond compared to anyone on the Democrat side from Obama on down. I’m not a Republican either but you are still a stupid ass.
Paul…..I did just that and guess what I got ……Crazy Joe