Obama has committed more crimes than the average person in prison, technically over 2,000 by Rush Limbaugh’s count, and has completely violated the Constitution and has brought this country close to ruin, yet our country has failed to reign in this traitor.
While calls for impeachment has come from Republicans for some months, nothing could be done with a Democratic controlled Senate.
Click the link below to read more:
Get rid of the #rhinos
He really couldn’t be much worse
A horrid criminal. He wishes to kill all of us.
AND YOU!! Republicans are you happy with your unexpected windfall? Where do you think it comes from?
It is from God. And lots and lots of prayer from the grassroots faithful. And God expects you to do His will.
Evil, and the devil, himself, wishes that you fear him, and so we see there is a reason his servants are called “terrorists.” God says “Let those who love the Lord hate evil,” and we see that fear is the wrong emotion for evil. But He also says a lake of fire is reserved for cowards, and that the unprofitable servant will be cast into outer darkness where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
If you are giddy about the unexpected turn of Party fortunes, it did not happen by mistake.
And we have Isaiah 5:20: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”
Republicans are not elected to work with Obama. You are elected to stop him.
And the strong case can be made it is about survival now. The survival of our country, of us, of yourselves.
Dead men do not stand in the gap against evil, speaking the truth of God’s word. Nor do they fulfill the Great Commission. God DEMANDS that we survive.
Obama’s mandate: Between a rock and a hard place for The Mexicans will kill him if he does not deliver Amnesty, and we must not allow him to deliver Amnesty and kill us.
And, also, the devil can hardly wait for the time when his servants are no longer useful. His time grows short.
Our mandate: As you would not do the will of the devil, himself, do not give to Obama ANYTHING. Anything given will be used against us.
Mandate: Stop Obama.
We do not owe. We will not pay. He can go to hell. God says so. We will not go with him.
God spoke in this election. And God gives talents. He expects one to use them for HIS purpose. God is watching those elected.
“Kill Whitey?” We hear the phrase, in various forms, and some tattoo it upon their bodies. And the phrase, and the smug smiles, of Obama, and the man-in-the-street, are fashionable, and politically correct, as are the one-sided hate laws, and the Knockout Games, in America and the Middle East, at which they chuckle. But responding with a racial slur when they say they will kill you, or when they kill you, is not politically correct. It is not politically correct to criticize, and you can only utter praise, if you would be allowed to speak at all. Your killer might be offended, otherwise. As the liberals furiously play their Race Cards, their accusations of racism, saying that one does not have the right to mention the matter. You can ask the ACLU, or The Reverend of the god of Racism, Al Sharpton, about it.
Obama gets away with the phrase scot-free, for we owe, and must pay, Obama says. And his church, and all the Godless horde (those apart from God) says the same. And simultaneously, and for good measure, Obama plays his Race Card, his accusation of racism, accusing you of racism, and says “haters gonna hate,” of anyone who will not give him anything, and everything, including love, and likes, and approval, whatever he demands, and even your life, and praise and worship, and your country, and your souls, as he beats you and says all the white racists need to die. Ask the vaunted Illuminati woman, Oprah, who denies Christ, and says all the racist whites need to die, and that it is racist for you to criticize Obama, and that you can only praise him, if you are allowed to speak at all.
But for those who are wont to use the phrase, “haters gonna hate,” note that it is a hallmark of satan, and his servants, that the guilty accuses the innocent.
Ask the Duncanville High School Teacher of the Year about it, as she demands “go kill yourself,” and says you do not have the right to talk about the Ferguson rioters. And ask the Ferguson rioters about it, as they riot, and say “haters gonna hate,” if you would criticize them, saying you do not have the right to mention the matter, saying it is racism for you to do so, saying you can only praise them, if you would be allowed to speak at all, and saying “you owe, and you must pay, for you will be racist if you will not pay, and you cannot be racist.”
This is praise, for those who kill you. And this is worship, for those who murder you. This is slavery to the Godless horde, and to the devil, himself.
But we have the little girl who taps on your knee, and looks up at you with eyes big as saucers, and asks if you know how to tie her shoe. And so we see that it is Agape Love that is the genuine love of God and Jesus, and it is such that They could not stand that the devil would drag humanity down to hell with him. And so God gave His Son, and Jesus made His decision in the Garden of Gethsemane, to hang on the Cross. It is on account of Agape Love that the preacher stands forth to attend the homeless, or to speak, to stand in the gap against evil, speaking the truth of God’s word, and bearing the stripes that come and asking nothing in return from those who might never know his name, or know that he stood for them, and absolutely uncaring that they would ever know.
But it is not agape love, to give to another anything and everything he demands, so that you can both go to hell. God says they can go to hell, those who pay, and those who are paid.
“You don’t like me because I am black,” is not a value judgement of one’s fondness, but rather an accusation that one has not paid what he OWES. According to the devil’s decree, white people are racist if they will not pay, and we do not GIVE love, like, approval, wild crazy fondness, whatever is demanded, but rather we OWE and must provide whatever is demanded, including our country, our lives, and our souls.
The devil can take your country, your life, and your soul, if you will agree that you owe him, and that you must pay him. Anything and everything, forever, whatever he demands.
But God does not want you to die for Him. God DEMANDS that you LIVE for Him.
God CANNOT stand for you, if you will worship the Godless horde, and the devil, himself. Agreeing that you owe them. And that you must pay them.
God DEMANDS that you turn away from them, and worship them no more. God DEMANDS that you NOT owe them, that you NOT pay them. So that God CAN stand for you. So that you will live.
Dead men do not stand in the gap against evil, and speak the truth of God’s word; nor do they fulfill the Great Commission.
And so we see the contentions of the Godless horde, and the devil, himself, are not the will of God. And it is the devil, himself, who says that you owe, and must pay, and if you will listen to his lies, it is he who will stand before you at the end, and proffer the rope, and the pistol, and scream at you to commit suicide, and as to whether you die, he says “What difference does it make?”
And as Obama screams that we shall commit suicide, that we surrender our border to his spiritual brethren, the ISIS/Hamas/Muslims, and as he screams that the Israelis must surrender to them, also, those who have sworn to do to the Israelis what they did to the Middle-Eastern Christians, beheading the children, and cutting the throats of their mothers, God requires His Chosen People, the Israelis, to wish for their lives, and fight for their survival, as they fight against our common enemy, and the enemy of our God. God requires no less from us. God DEMANDS that we wish for our lives, and fight for our survival, and the survival of America, and of Texas.
God is life. The devil is death.
And it is written the devil would wish to rise above God, to be worshipped as God, his goal from the Garden of Eden, establishing his New World Order, where he is worshipped, and God is not worshipped, or mentioned, or remembered. He would co-opt every facet, the Government, the Media, Education, the Ministry, etc., everything, imbuing all with Political Correctness, the control of Speech, and concomitant thought and action, a worldwide system of control, forcing adherence to the pronouncements and decrees of the New World Order. He will destroy all that he touches, and all who follow him.
For white people, and in particular white Americans, the devil said the contention of difference and superiority, by definition, Racism, was disallowed, and that, also, since one would be racist if he would not reject superiority, he would also be racist if he would not accept the mutually exclusive category, inferiority, and that one will be deemed racist if he will not agree that he owes,and must pay, and that in general one must denigrate himself, and his country and his God, and must apologize.
And so we have the Non-Scriptural Decree of the New Order, The Decree, the lie, the devil’s decree, the devil’s stronghold in the minds of white people after indoctrination, and the mantra of all the Godless horde, that
“You owe, and you must pay, for you will be racist if you will not pay, and you cannot be racist.”
It IS the mantra of all the Godless horde, and is printed EXACTLY on the signs held by the Mexican invaders, and according to The Decree, the definition of Racism is broadened such that Racism is defined as the failure of white people to pay (“for you will be racist if you will not pay”).
The Decree only applies to white people, and in particular, white Americans who the devil has said owe all the rest of the non-white world. And you can ask the illegal as Obama gives to him the free, plane ticket to the resort in Hawaii. Also, ask The Reverend of the god of Racism, Al Sharpton, if anyone can be racist other than white people. Ask Oprah, too.
The ACLU/Atheists, and other white liberals, those who have rejected the word of God, those who blindly proffer the devil’s arguments, those who happily pay, they vociferously agree, contending that “you owe, and you must pay (and pay your right to speak God’s word, and the crosses, and every semblance of God and Christianity), for you will be racist if you will not pay, and you cannot be racist.” And they furiously playing their Race Cards, screaming their accusations of racism, at anyone white who will not agree that he owes and must pay. And at anyone white who would dare criticize, or speak of the matter, committing heresy against their god of Racism. Contending that one can only offer praise of the Godless horde, if allowed to speak at all, but that one is not allowed to speak of the matter, anyway, as The Reverend of the god of Racism, Al Sharpton, has said. The co-opted, politically correct MSM agrees, and will not mention the Knockout Game. You can ask Facebook about their “community standards,” the political correctness imposed upon them by the New World Order.
He who will not accept The Decree, who will not agree that he owes and must pay, will be deemed racist.
But he who accepts The Decree, who agrees that he owes and must pay, so that he will not be deemed racist, will not be deemed racist, but he owes anything and everything forever, and MUST pay, when the Race Card is presented, the accusation of Racism, for according to The Decree, “you will be racist if you will not pay, and you cannot be racist.” He owes love, likes, approval, Great Consideration and Solicitation of the will, and wishes, and feelings of the Godless horde and the devil, himself, and he owes his right to speak, and he must pay any right to criticize (for criticism is failure to pay and it is deemed racism), and praise, tithes, and worship, and his country, his life, and his soul, anything and everything, solely dependent on what the Godless horde, and the devil wishes to charge (who owe nothing in return), and he will even owe in hell, for all of eternity. The debt can never be settled.
Slavery. Worship.
And ask the man-in-the-street if REPARATIONS will end the debt. Ask Harry Reid if paying the “Redskins” will end the New World Order’s insatiable appetite for control. Or if we might soon be required to pay the Cleveland “Indians,” or the Dallas “Cowboys.” Ask him about the provision of Free Speech in the Constitution.
“Kill whitey?” Do slaves, who are never allowed to criticize, even as they are threatened and killed, who must worship, even as they are murdered, garner respect? Ask Obama and Eric Holder as they chuckle at the Knockout Game, and grimly enforce the one-sided hate laws.
Those who accept The Decree do not get respect. They are slaves. They will not complain as it is said they should die. They do not have the right to speak of the matter. They must provide praise, tithes, and worship. They are told what they are allowed to say. They are controlled. They are not allowed to criticize or use any racial slur, or criticize their masters. Their speech is controlled, and they must worship, even as the rioters riot and say “kill whitey,” and kill in the Knockout Games, in America and the Middle East.
Ask the lover of money, the traitor, The Reverend of the god of Racism, Al Sharpton, about it, as he stands with his new Muslim allies, and against us, and America, and God, and has the unmitigated gall to tell you what you are allowed to say, and what your rights are, as he plays his Race Card, his accusation of racism, accusing you of racism, and saying you do not have the right to speak of the matter for it is racism if you would do so. And expecting to be paid. With silence.
The presentation of the Race Card is always a demand for payment, and it is The Card the Godless horde does not leave home without.
Ask Obama about it as he seizes the federal lands, and sells our country like a real-estate agent, the master liar/drug-dealer/thief, the lover of money and the fund raiser, taking his cut for the open border, and the invasion of illegals and drugs, as he says we must die, and as he kills us, and requires that we worship him as he does so, and plays his Race Card, his accusation of Racism, accusing us of Racism, and then spouting the decree, that, “you owe, and you must pay (love, likes, approval, silence, the absence of criticism, anything and everything demanded, whatever), for you will be racist if you will not pay, and you cannot be racist.” Ask Oprah about it.
“Kill Whitey?” According to The Decree, if it is demanded, we owe our lives. We owe silence and love, even as we are told we should be killed. We owe worship, even as we are murdered.
But Jesus paid the price so that we owe no man or god. Jesus did not owe, or pay. He could not be bought (ask satan), or threatened (ask Herod, and Pilot, and the Pharisees), and he who gives the Great Commission would certainly not pay his right to speak, and you can ask the Houston pastors about that.
And our jealous God did not create us debtors to the Godless horde, or the devil, himself, owing to them what God requires for Himself, love, likes, approval, Great Consideration of His will, and wishes, and feelings, our Speech, praise, tithes and worship, and our country, our lives, and our souls.
It is written in God’s word “Let those who love the Lord hate evil.” And so we see that fear is the wrong emotion for evil, though the devil fervently wishes that you fear him, and we see that there is a reason his servants are called “terrorists.” God says a lake of fire is reserved for cowards, and that the unprofitable servant will be cast into outer darkness. God says fear He Who can kill the body–and the soul–in hell.
God says fear God, and not these others. God says worship God, and not these others. God says we do not owe. God says we will not pay. God says we will listen to no argument such that we would disregard Him, or His word, or His commandments, and you can consult the word of God and ask Eve, from the Garden of Eden, if anything bad might happen if you will do so, or listen to ANY lie from the devil. God says you can go to hell if you do so, if you pay ANYTHING to those who claim they are owed ANYTHING and EVERYTHING, FOREVER, and that those paid can go to hell with you. And The Reverend of the god of Racism, Al Sharpton, forgot to tell you about that part. But consult that word of God, and ask Eve, from the Garden of Eden, if it is the case that the shyster salesman tell all of the story. We see his tactics have not changed.
God says “Thou shalt have no gods before Me.”
And know that you are politically correct slaves, and that you do not worship our God. You worship the god of Racism, and the god of the New Order. You are whores, whoring after them, the Great-American, liberal, Whore, White, Sheople Christians.
Joel Osteen will not agree, and will not only, not criticize Obama, but praises him, calling evil, a “good Christian,” he who stands against God’s Chosen People, and foments Christian genocide. He who is cursed by God, according to scripture. I would be as Phinehas, who stood against idolatry, and as another little, Christian kid is beheaded, and his mother’s throat is cut, I will not be silent, and I will not praise him, and I say Obama is a devil-worshipping, Muslim, baby-stomping, pig. Or is there something more that you think I should call him, he who is cursed by our God?
Genesis 12:1-3: “1The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.
2“I will make you into a great nation,and I will bless you;I will make your name great,and you will be a blessing.a3I will bless those who bless you,and whoever curses you I will curse;and all peoples on earthwill be blessed through you.”
And, also, Isaiah 5:20:
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
“Kill whitey?” You may choose to worship, as Joel Osteen and all the other white liberals worship, never criticizing, or even praising, even as they take your life, and your soul, but if you would not wish to do so, would you be so kind as to say this with me:
And God says all the Godless horde can go to hell, if they will not repent. I will be as Phinehas. I will not go with them.
The congress does nothing
People have no balls to fight back
Impeach the bitch.
They should have screamed for it all along
I will believe when I see it. I may return to the party if they have the guts to thrown this idiot out or in jail
He needs impeached now.