Obama has committed more crimes than the average person in prison, technically over 2,000 by Rush Limbaugh’s count, and has completely violated the Constitution and has brought this country close to ruin, yet our country has failed to reign in this traitor.
While calls for impeachment has come from Republicans for some months, nothing could be done with a Democratic controlled Senate.
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He is an insult to this great country!
start impeachment or stop posting about it
I hate to say it, but impeachment means Biden steps up to the plate, but worse is that brings Hillary up to VP and that significantly increases her chance at a successful run at the presidency. And I know we do not want that. Any viable suggestions? I mean serious probable solutions?
Ain’t LOUD enough yet, Vic
Don’t impeach throw him out put him jail for treason he has screwed up our country so much letting Muslims take over. Our schools our churches our way of life cause he’s a Muslim
Obama should be EXECUTED not impeached
He needs to be locked up with harden criminals!
George is more fun if he’s drinking
If we impeach Obama, we need to also impeach Biden!
America is a Constitutional Republic governed by The Rule of Law.
If The Laws of The Constitution are violated by our politicians, then they need to be held accountable, impeached, prosecuted, imprisoned or removed from office whichever is the punishment deemed necessary by The Constitution.
Enforcement of The Law shouldn’t be bastardized or set aside (as Mr Gowdy, whom I highly respect and agree with on almost everything he does and says, is proposing) because of a calculation on who will then fill the vacated position.
If the next person in that role breaks The Law then the process is executed on that individual as well.
Obama has broken Laws of The Constitution and committed treason, he should be prosecuted and imprisoned expeditiously! The House of Representatives should be exercising every Constitutional Power given to them to defend The American People, their assets and their freedom!
The “Power of The Purse” is one of them! Giving them the option to defund any rogue action or agency that is not for the defense of The American People!
Congress, as a whole, needs to exercise their obligation to the protection of The American People by Impeaching this corrupt and criminal President!
It is their DUTY to do so!