Obama has committed more crimes than the average person in prison, technically over 2,000 by Rush Limbaugh’s count, and has completely violated the Constitution and has brought this country close to ruin, yet our country has failed to reign in this traitor.
While calls for impeachment has come from Republicans for some months, nothing could be done with a Democratic controlled Senate.
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I believe if you look under a couple rocks up there in washington you can tie biden to alot of this c**p too. you can get rid of them both. This is why we need to vote a conservative republican to the Speaker position in the House.
Get this evil msn out of OUR WHITE HOUSE!
wheres Americas backbone???
OH YES, take this Bastard Alien Mafia Criminal who Lied and pushed himself to be a false President who had no real American Birth Certificate! Nobody needs a Lying Criminal Zionist Mafia as a leader. Throw out the Bastard Mass Killer! Mafia Obama has killed our Seals, joined in with the ISIS, was a killer in Benghazi along with Hillary, and committed gross errors. no take him down and hang him!!!!
It will never happen.this terest will get away with his crimes.so he thinks.
Even though he is a terrrible president and has truly not had the interest of America or it’s people on his mind, Has not up held the constitution, Has broken many laws by using sxcutive orders he will never get impeached because of everyone crying raceist. He is a terrible desease and needs to be removed like a cancer.
yep the poll is in……the lions are hungry and the pit awaits Cmon Barak lie some more…..you is goin down…..
something needs to happen. He can do a lot more damage in 2 years. I hope we can get rid of him someway.
They won’t ever impeach this clown! NEVER!