Obama has committed more crimes than the average person in prison, technically over 2,000 by Rush Limbaugh’s count, and has completely violated the Constitution and has brought this country close to ruin, yet our country has failed to reign in this traitor.
While calls for impeachment has come from Republicans for some months, nothing could be done with a Democratic controlled Senate.
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He needs to step down and keep going into the dungeon
There is no reason anymore if ever that this man should be getting a way with anything else. This is not and never has been about his race especially since he is half whit, I know he doesn’t like o acknowledge it. The American people had enough and we are the ones that put all of you elected officials there so get him out!!
Just try him for treason and some of his other “High Crimes” and Hang the BASTARD!!!
He should be shot for treason.
Impeach him, he is a criminal. Who cares if they call racist, most black people want him impeached too. The only ones that don’t are the ones he has brainwashed into his ideology. Just impeach the white side. He’s muslim anyway.
Get a $#%&!@*, get impeached. Violate the Constitution, go on vacation on taxpayer’s dime!?!?! Hmm, I’m confused about priority’s in this country!!;-/
Way more then we can overcome I am afraid! I agree with Mary Barbara Mullins!
Come on Congress do the job you were elected to do if you don’t you have no business being there
He needs to be in the pen by now!!!!