Obama has committed more crimes than the average person in prison, technically over 2,000 by Rush Limbaugh’s count, and has completely violated the Constitution and has brought this country close to ruin, yet our country has failed to reign in this traitor.
While calls for impeachment has come from Republicans for some months, nothing could be done with a Democratic controlled Senate.
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And please stop the Hate Speech, just Pray.
Forget impeachment. Hanging by his lying tongue would be more appropriate.
If they can’t do the job and get him out by impeachment, then we need to VOTE them all out too!
Impeach his ASS then IMPEACH BIDEN!!!
They can have our Prime Minister Stephen Harper..he should be tried for war crimes.
just hand his lying ass and be done with it!
But, if they impeach him, Biden or Palosi would step up into presidential seat. Oh my god it would be worse. I am all for impeaching him but, they need to impeach the other two along with him or it would really be Hell!!!!
Obama is not Our President, He is a jihadest with a mission to destroy America, this is the first time in US history that this has happened…to hell with due process or Impeachment, Obama needs to be yanked from office and prosecuted as a traitor and war criminal.
To many
He needs to be arrested!