Obama has committed more crimes than the average person in prison, technically over 2,000 by Rush Limbaugh’s count, and has completely violated the Constitution and has brought this country close to ruin, yet our country has failed to reign in this traitor.
While calls for impeachment has come from Republicans for some months, nothing could be done with a Democratic controlled Senate.
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🙂 Or by decapitioan his choise…
nothing will happen—wrong color
I don’t care how they get rid of him and out of the White House just do it!
Lets get it done ,We done need him
Biden would be no problem – he is not intelligent enough run the toaster! We cannot and should not have to put up with 2 more years of criminal activity! IMPEACH NOW – he obviously is not going to work with republicans (another lie told post election) This man cannot tell the TRUTH and we are DISGUSTED that our government allows the lies, the trashing of our constitution and unbelievable spending with NO BUDGET- he supports the very people we are fighting – GET HIM OUT!!!!!
Get this obummer FKR out of office, and put someone who gives a damn about America in office. Someone who will stick with the CONSTITUTION, upgrade our Military Forces, and take care of AMERICANS, NOT illegals and radical muslims who only come to OUR COUNTRY for the freebies cause they can’t get them in their own countr, and than try to tell US AMERICANS what we can and cannot do. IT’S TIME WE AMERICANS TAKE AMERICA BACK. RALLY UP.
I’m voting third party, if the rep. Do nothing
I’ve been contacting my Senators and Congressman asking why they are not impeaching for over a year. I think Rush Limbaugh is a big-mouthed idiot, someone needs to pull his plug.
Remove him from office.