Obama has committed more crimes than the average person in prison, technically over 2,000 by Rush Limbaugh’s count, and has completely violated the Constitution and has brought this country close to ruin, yet our country has failed to reign in this traitor.
While calls for impeachment has come from Republicans for some months, nothing could be done with a Democratic controlled Senate.
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First vote or the Democrats.
Second root out the Rino’s.
yes he should
What the HELL have they all waitted for so long for??? They ALL are as guilty as HE is!!! And, IT’S TREASON!!!
Bidden is just as guilty not as smart.
No impeachment arrest for treason.
The President is doing his job by exercising the powers vested in him by the Constitution, by the Office of this great Institution, how are you going to Impeach him for doing his job? Since when doing his job is a crime… keep listen to that big mouth guy who can’t hear himself from vomiting hates and you are getting an indigestion from it. Remember that the President is a Constitution Law professor, who would know more about the Laws, the Constitution?… The President or that big mouth deaf guy? This is a smoke screen to hide what is really going on… this is a continuation of the propaganda machines to further divides the naïve American voters. If you keep them divided on phony issues then you controlled the message, Finances, media, their Government behind the scene. This is nothing new if people knew about the Protocol theory of the Elder … its wicked and always will what is evil will always be evil.
I say impeach them all and but a ranking General in till we vote a new on in. To bad we can’t but it sure sounds good.
Treason is Punishable by HANGING!!!!!
Too many. They won’t impeach…they are cowards