Conservatives will be holding a rally for the impeachment of President Obama on December 6th in Greenville, SC.
The rally will be held from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM in front of the Federal building at 300 Washington Street, Greenville, SC on Dec. 6th.
Legs please…this needs to be occurring nationwide. Hopes for an arrest, which is preferable, is just not going to happen with this treasonous Congress.
It must suck living from paycheck to paycheck. God I love being wealthy.
Impeach, arrest and jail
We have the real worth , notes are just paper not the notes bond behind it , truth in Fiction
Recall him and remove him from office! He’s done enough already!
Yup. Gonna happen.
I hope it would do some good. We need obammmmmer out of office yesterday before he totally destroy’s our country.
What the hells the difference. Stupidly will claim this as racism. Why do the idiots that are the racists scream that whites and everyone else are the racists. It’s all dodo damn absurd. Skin deep we are all the same inside. Let’s grow up
No more – Just do it
IMPEACH and put him in a cell for all the crimes he has committed against the American people !!!!!