Conservatives will be holding a rally for the impeachment of President Obama on December 6th in Greenville, SC.
The rally will be held from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM in front of the Federal building at 300 Washington Street, Greenville, SC on Dec. 6th.
Legs please…this needs to be occurring nationwide. Hopes for an arrest, which is preferable, is just not going to happen with this treasonous Congress.
Today’s the day! Pray for decent weather and an absolutely huge crowd that wants this man impeached.
Prisoners of God and science.
Pseudo Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, atheists and all Other people are mentally Under Arrest and Prisoners now because they Don’t swear for their believes.
You all people of the world Follow the Holy Quran, if you Don’t agree with me? Then if anyone of us will be found liar on The Day Of Judgment will Take other’s whole Nation’s sin, do you agree? You can be agree in your Heart either, be agree in your Heart for Freedom.
(Don’t relate Pseudo Muslims with Holy Quran)
Lynn, you are the ignorant racist who is kissing Obama’s butt simply because of his skin color. If this were any other President, he’d be impeached already.
Take a look at Clinton era. We not only had balanced budgets, we had surplus and were paying down the debt. When you learn to read history, you may call me libtard. Meanwhile, there’s a word for you too: Repugnut. Repugnant, Republican Nut.
Mental cases? No, I read. May I suggest “Capital” by Piketti, a renown French economist. Perhaps Thomas Friedman’s “That Used too be Us.” Ignorance is not my descriptor because I read widely. “The Pact” about the Gingrich-Clinton agreement that helped the Clinton Presidency. When you start doing critical thinking, you’ll understand that you’ve been bought by the Koch Brothers, tempted by a line called “freedom” which means that Kochs dictate what happens from their own rich boy world. AND you vote against your own best interests. You’ll see; it’s already happening in the economic devastation of the middle class. The Repugnut ignorance is astounding to me; you lack critical thinking. Did you graduate from high school? Could you make it in the college classes I teach? Probably not, because I require analytical thinking. I’ve given you specific examples, but you make unsupported statements. Try again with FACT, not FAUX. Oh ya, read: The Loudest Voice in the Room” a scholarly biography of Roger Ailes, who admitted in court that FAUX lies to create bigger audience and more money. So, read and quit watching FAUX news. You’re buying into their slogans and misleading drivel.
Susan, when you learn to read and quit spouting FAUX, you can call me clueless. What were the last 10 books you read on politics, economics, history? Please list them.
Forget impeachment, go directly to jail for life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you don’t know a traitor. You can’t define it. How about Oliver North in the Iran-Contra scandal? That’s treason. AND a fine Republican, who aside from that incident I admire, George H.W Bush, was deep in that scandal. GWBush and Iraq—lies to get into war because it was good for his buddies economically. Treason. Not me. I love this country and knowing that ignorance like yours is ruining the basic fundamentals of American greatness. Read Gov.Winthrop of Massachusetts Bay Colony. His thinking permeated the Founders, including John Adams, who was one of three who wrote the Constitution. Please note that when I present a generalization, I present facts and reading to back it up. You just name call without reason. You lack education and knowledge.
The South will rise again!
Apparently not enough, Eddie! You anti-President trolls continue to show up and post ridiculous drivel! No one is getting impeached, big guy! I know you’d like to show the black guy the door but it’s not gonna happen!