Conservatives will be holding a rally for the impeachment of President Obama on December 6th in Greenville, SC.
The rally will be held from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM in front of the Federal building at 300 Washington Street, Greenville, SC on Dec. 6th.
Legs please…this needs to be occurring nationwide. Hopes for an arrest, which is preferable, is just not going to happen with this treasonous Congress.
Praying for our country everyday!!!!!!!
No impeachment….arrest him and put him in prison!!!!
Impeach him and make him work for a low paying fast food for the rest of his life, his wife also.
arrest him for treason and convict him
The problems with OBAMA…..
No reasonable person who is paying attention can deny that Obama and his administration have abused and violated the public trust and disregarded the Constitution.
Without notifying Congress as required by law, he set free terrorist prisoners at a time of war when they can return to the battlefield to kill our troops.
In violation of our Constitution, he regularly ignores court orders, changes laws by executive fiat, and refuses to enforce laws he doesn’t like, including our immigration laws.
When Congress declined to pass amnesty for illegal immigrants’ offspring, he unilaterally enacted his own version of it, which created the current crisis on our border as illegal youth pour into our country to receive what he illegally promised them.
He committed fraud on the American people when he promised that if we liked our health care plan we could keep it, liked our doctor we could keep them, cost us less for health care.
He got us into a war in Libya without Congressional approval. When our ambassador begged for security at the consulate in Benghazi, he was ignored and then tortured and murdered when the consulate was attacked as predicted. Americans were left behind to die, as the president did nothing to rescue our people there. Afterwards, he helped spread the lie that a spontaneous protest over a YouTube video was to blame for this highly organized, premeditated terrorist attack.
Obama’s IRS targeted his political opponents for harassment. Then the agency lied to and stonewalled Congress and likely destroyed subpoenaed evidence, while Obama falsely declared there’s no corruption there, not even a smidgen.
From the VA scandal to his unconstitutional recess appointments, to his DOJ wiretapping reporters and giving guns to Mexican drug cartels, to violating religious freedom exercised by businesses and ignoring in-house illegal fundraising, the list of abuse goes on and on.
Barack Obama’s administration is proving itself a festering boil of scandal. The Constitution is rock solid in holding the president responsible for the executive branch. He can’t just vote “present” while shrugging and feigning ignorance about all these abuses of the public trust, any more than a mob boss can claim innocence because he didn’t personally do the hit. The buck stops with the guy at the top.
would love to come and give my support to te rally but am financely unable to so. So am sending my best wishes that y’all succeed.
It needs to happen.
They need to impeach the traitor for treason…..
God Bless Jeff Davis. SC was the first state to secede from the previousl. How about again SC? 12 others may follow. We want our Sovereignty returned that was stolen.