Conservatives will be holding a rally for the impeachment of President Obama on December 6th in Greenville, SC.
The rally will be held from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM in front of the Federal building at 300 Washington Street, Greenville, SC on Dec. 6th.
Legs please…this needs to be occurring nationwide. Hopes for an arrest, which is preferable, is just not going to happen with this treasonous Congress.
Yes yes yes
I agree for treason!
Chsistopher, Bong water is completely safe compared to the Kool-aid you have drinking for the past six yrs. It has completely rotted what brain you maybe once possessed! The one you defend is a low-down muslim traitor!
Go for me my daughter.
bring one closer!
It can’t happen quick enough.
Most of these comments make the writers not only look stupid, sound hateful. These kinds of public comments are making the American citizens loose respect around the world. You don’t have to like him or agree with his policies. The position he holds has always commanded respect. When we publicly down rate our own president….other countries are just laughing at us. Please stop. It has been proven he WAS born in the US. We have lots of evidence that he is NOT a muslim (he attended a racist black Christian church for 20 years….his father that he hardly knew was muslim). He has done nothing illegal with the executive orders. We don’t have to like him….but quit making all US citizens look stupid and hateful.
Love Greenville