Conservatives will be holding a rally for the impeachment of President Obama on December 6th in Greenville, SC.
The rally will be held from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM in front of the Federal building at 300 Washington Street, Greenville, SC on Dec. 6th.
Legs please…this needs to be occurring nationwide. Hopes for an arrest, which is preferable, is just not going to happen with this treasonous Congress.
$1.50 lmao you are so off you don’t know what’s right.
I’m stupid but you have no sources? Five years ago he had just taken office from Bush, but now that gas prices are nearly half what they were when he took office, he’s not to be given credit? But it’s his fault that they reached over $4/gallon during the Bush administration?
All you’ve done is call names and cry with no credible information. Typical
These people need to brush up on their definition of communism. They just use it as a scare word. Silly rabbits
fire him
Every single one of you commenters need to REPENT. It is The Lord God who is in control of ALL things Not Obama, and God Will fulfill His prophetic word in these last days. Insulting others, fighting against whom God put into leadership is disobeying God. REPENT OR PERISH.
Arrest for fraud and usurpation…This is about treason. He is not the LEGAL PRESIDENT…NEVER HAS BEEN..STOP COMPLICATING SOMETHING THAT IS AS SIMPLE AS BRINGING “R.I.C.H.O” CHARGES AGAINST THE WHOLE ROTTEN ADMINISTRATION MACHINE IF IT WAS GOOD ENOUGH FOR THE FIVE MAFIA FAMILIES OF NEW YORK AND THE “TEFLON DON”Just do it!! IMPEACHMENT IS JUST AN EXCUSE FOR THE “COWARDS” IN CONGRESS You know sooner or later you will run out of excuses for this corrupt perverted impostor,it will come home when a loved one gets hit in one way or another with the results of this FEDERAL CHICAGO MACHINE’S LIES effect some area of your life and I don’t care what the area of life his filth and corruption has cast it’s shadow
spiritually,educationally,medically,national defense,economically, and then last but not least most of your Constitutional rights GONE! Millions of lives lost as the outrage boils over into civil war. You know it’s hard to believe that the vast majority of the American people opposed to OBAMA’S destruction of our nation still believe it’s because, of his “INEXPERIENCE”, his experience or lack thereof has nothing to do with what he has done to this nation.This is his FIRST JOB,and he trained for it all of his life.grandparents,parents,mentors,friends,associates this man has a DOCTOR’S DEGREE IN SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM,WITH A MINOR IN ISLAM…ON THE JOB TRAINING AS A “COMMUNITY ORGANIZER”….HOWS HE DOING? LOOK AROUND!!! UNLESS SOMEONE STOPS HIM HE WILL DESTROY THE GREATEST NATION THE WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN. This was his plan from the very beginning his radical team of advisers entered
the White House with their “END GAME” in mind…and it has succeeded beyond their wildest dreams and no one is in prison or fired yet….and the wheels of this treasonous plan keep turning and accelerating. Treason is being committed openly with the help of the Mainstream Media…our nation is being disemboweled from within