Conservatives will be holding a rally for the impeachment of President Obama on December 6th in Greenville, SC.
The rally will be held from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM in front of the Federal building at 300 Washington Street, Greenville, SC on Dec. 6th.
Legs please…this needs to be occurring nationwide. Hopes for an arrest, which is preferable, is just not going to happen with this treasonous Congress.
impeach before its to late for the USA
These guys all talk a good line but they aren’t going to do jack……just like the big “American Spring” revolution. Remember the big trucker convoy that was supposed to shut down DC traffic? That was a joke. Who knew the difference……DC traffic is always jacked up. The only thing the people on this FB page are going to do is spew hate and stupidity. If they were true patriots they would support our country and our president.
not if the president is a TRAITOR, I would never support Ovomit and I do support our country…we need to get rid of that muslim pig
Get used of him,
impeach the jerk
This is to funny. How many dumb people will show up! This is a reflection if the educational system and the organizers ignorance…. Obama hasn’t broken any laws, Benghazi he was found not at fault and He hasn’t violated the Constitution. This was the finding Of the CIA, FBI and three republican law firms hired by republicans to prosecute and or impeach… You can’t argue with facts. You know what is even funnier? Obama is a Constitutional Lawyer… If you want to be angry. Be angry at those who are responsible. The Congress, the rich and wealthy corporations and those who allow them to exploit you and manipulate your emotions… Their is a time to question your beliefs? This is one of those times.
I wish he needs to be tried for treason for the things he has done to this country
Wish I could be there Obama doesn’t have a clue what he’s doing
Wish I could be there.
if they can have rioters in the streets,we should have impeach obama in every city and state and have petitions signed and sent to congress to get things going.if not,next election the voters will only vote for tea partyer,s in office.that way we will know that they will get things done
how the United States of America was defeated.the first thing the Communist Party did, was to contact corrupt politicians, and then blackmail them, so that they could use them, they slowly started changing the laws, and started putting in place within the government, more agents. These agents were to single out true American patriots within the government,and then they would use different strategies,to get real patriots fired, from their job, or get them to retire,so that that position could be filled with another communist agent. They started this agenda in small communities, until they were able to take over large communities and large of the priorities was to close down as many American businesses as possible,so what they did was to allowed corporations and companies that were pro-communist to grow, like Walmart,which sells 90% of their products only come from communist countries, these corporations and companies,were allowed to monopolize, to maximize their profits to give the Communist countries maximum financial gains, to use to blackmail more politicians. This also started taking out our intellectual base of engineers, inventors and scientists, look at NASA, they also took over the insurance industry, the medical industry, educational system, and the law schools. As the truth started to come out,they advance their agenda by trying to disarm the American citizens,by removing hi ranking military personnel first, and second look at Eric Holder fast and furious, this was to undermine the Second Amendment, and talking about your constitutional rights, they quickly started attacking the citizens rights, and religions that was obviously in direct conflict, with the communist ideology and agenda. The only thing that can stop this attack by the Communist Party against the United States, is for the American citizens to start to organize a major and legitimate resistance to these communist infiltrators in the federal government, one of the only ways to do this is to have the governors who are not members of the Communist Party organize a militia of American citizens to stand against those in the federal government who are communist agents against our country, our Constitution, and our freedoms. The governors are the only ones who can make this legitimate, the governors are the only ones the American citizens will follow,
the United States of America, has never faced this situation before, we are a young nation in comparison to, the older countries. If we are to survive as America, the politicians in America who are not Communist need to stand up, because if they don’t the history of America, will be written by the communist, what are you willing to do, and what will be your contribution in saving one of the greatest nations that was ever assembled by the hand of God, and freemen, what will you do with your pen to write the history of the United States of America ? Bill Sharpe Ellendale Delaware