Conservatives will be holding a rally for the impeachment of President Obama on December 6th in Greenville, SC.
The rally will be held from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM in front of the Federal building at 300 Washington Street, Greenville, SC on Dec. 6th.
Legs please…this needs to be occurring nationwide. Hopes for an arrest, which is preferable, is just not going to happen with this treasonous Congress.
I wish people really knew what are were facing
I would like to go to very hard to get away from work as I will be leaving dc area to go to Texas for further work
Is anyone organizing this rally or is everyone just gonna show up at 1?…………..
My brother lives there in S.C., I live in Virginia to close to Obama! The man in S.C. is right on the money and I support him 100%
And the slobbering dems that defend him…
What is not sad is that he does not give one good g*****n, as he is doing his best to destroy America. The morons who voted this man into office need to be put on a list of $#%&!@*eaters.
Biden just might surprise everyone. Roosevelt did not like Truman and I think Truman was an excellent president.
it would be great if the average American was informed or better yet would get their heads out of their buts
Send me a plane ticket round trip. I’ll just protest to get a room. I would love to be there. This terroist/tyranist needs impeached more than nay President in History of course the people that voted for him dont know any history.
Yes impeach him