Welfare reform was supposed diminish immigrant welfare use, yet two decades later these immigrant-headed households are using welfare programs at a higher rate than natives households.
The Center for Immigration Studies released a report Wednesday that showed that 51% of immigrant-headed households (illegal and legal), reported utilizing in 2012, at least one welfare program, in contrast with 30% of native-headed households.
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We need Trump to save our nation!
You’re an idiot!!! I had a landscaping business that went under because illegal workers being hired at other companies drove down wages which drove down prices so much that I couldn’t afford to pay Americans for their work.
Remember when teens were fast food workers? I rarely see teenagers working fast food anymore. Do you wonder why?
Your comment is ignorant to facts. Maybe you should keep your mouth shut. Robots can pick tomatoes and strawberries now, we don’t have a single reason to hire mexicans(slaves) to do our work. They are a huge drain on American resources and they are driving down wages for all Americans. They are taking wages away from lower income families. Maybe that is real reason why black people are rioting. They don’t have jobs because illegals took them. There are 92 million Americans that are not working. Can you really tell me that not one of these Americans wouldn’t do those jobs? That’s what I thought!!!
This is some more of Obamas Bull Sh…t if you get the meaning. You know what bugs the SH..T out of me is we all know what this jerk is doing to each and every one of us.
ABOLISH ALL FORMS OF WELFARE! (housing, food stamps, cell phones, absolutely ALL)
Why do they get anything ?
gasp! latino secret out lol
Hey Dems … How many more do you want to support? Maybe 47 million more over the next 10 years.
Hey charles for your information Jesus Christ Loves You! Everything you mention doesnt make any sense what so ever first and foremost im not talking about illegals, we are talking about legal migrant workers that come here and harvest crops that we as Americans consume! Your business didnt go under because of illegals, your business went under because of your own american neighbor who hired them! Two: you mentioned machinary to pick the harvest? impossible! You are dealing with weeds that grow rapidly around plants that need picked or the plants choke and die! You have animals that go and eat crops and insects that destroy crops you need people to maintain and care for the plants and to be able to pick what is good from the crop which machines cant determine! Its a back breaking job that pays very little to do though gets done by legal migrant workers! You have millions of people out of work not because of the migrant workers its because what you mentioned earlier Machinary is replacing the american worker from the work force! The greed of companies of selfishness within themselves, to help a fellow neighbor in stress because why hire 5 or 6 when the machine can be handle by 1 leaving 5 or 6 americans out of earning a buck! You have CEO of major companies that soak the American taxpayer into debt when they rake billions though rely on the government to pay for their employees health care and help pay for food because of the minium hours they provide for the employer to manipulating the government! Paying off elective officials with bribes to do these acts which is a crime! The heart of the problem is the elective officials they are the ones behind the acts of why people are suffering in America catering to the color of GREED! Corruptive Congressional Representing American People! CCRAP!
What a suprizes!