When Ted Cruz put on the spot about positions of his, he doesn’t back down from what he believes to pander for votes.
This was definitely the case Wednesday night when the Texas senator was attending a campaign function in Iowa. He was approached by a woman who questioned him in front of the crowd about his stance on illegal immigration.
The woman, whose parents brought her to the US as a child and was permitted to stay in the country due to President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, expressed her concern that she would be deported the first day of a Cruz presidency.
“As a DACA holder myself, I am worried about whoever comes next in the presidency and what’s gonna happen to people like us?” 30-year old Ofelia Valdez asked the candidate. Although many in the audience were shocked by Valdez’s audacity, Cruz politely answered her question, even though his answer certainly wasn’t the one she was looking for.
See footage of the incident for yourself on the next page:
Cruz is INELIGIBLE to run for the Presidency!
Saskatchatone hey!!!
Yes deport him!
Not entirely correct….the Father need not be an American Citizen…but he must have resided in the US at one time or another..
He did reside in America.
Pamela you ate so right, I’ve seen it in florida,they are here on the work program, been here for years, can’t speak hardly any English, and their voting for obama,this is not right ,that should be just our privilege, look how long it took for women to vote and our black citizens and they let illegals vote, this is pretty disgusting, illegal as all hell but then how else will a Democrat win, the democratic party really isn’t democratic any more is liberal progressives in other words commies, socialists lying corrupt bastards
Hello, don’t know how to break this to you but they are here,obama has them coming in across the border from mexico in bus loads, he had them tapered in UPS planes, he issued visa to a lot of them, they have training camps all over our country and they are not training for our military either, what I just told you is the truth, if you don’t believe me, you will find out soon enough, so you Beyer have your guns in working condition and loaded with a lock that only you can get off quickly ,
Oh yes it’s been on face book so you should’ve been able to catch it by now, and obama is trying to take our guns away, he had not legal right to do that without going through the Congress and Senate, he tried and was refused three times, he can not change our constitution just on his pen alone,he needs to be impeached
Cruz may have just got my VOTE on that Answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope so