When Ted Cruz put on the spot about positions of his, he doesn’t back down from what he believes to pander for votes.
This was definitely the case Wednesday night when the Texas senator was attending a campaign function in Iowa. He was approached by a woman who questioned him in front of the crowd about his stance on illegal immigration.
The woman, whose parents brought her to the US as a child and was permitted to stay in the country due to President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, expressed her concern that she would be deported the first day of a Cruz presidency.
“As a DACA holder myself, I am worried about whoever comes next in the presidency and what’s gonna happen to people like us?” 30-year old Ofelia Valdez asked the candidate. Although many in the audience were shocked by Valdez’s audacity, Cruz politely answered her question, even though his answer certainly wasn’t the one she was looking for.
See footage of the incident for yourself on the next page:
Love his answer.
His answer was spot on right.
I would think the immigrants that went through the legal channels would be mad that the one that done it illegally and has more rights then any of the American citizens, even them … Illegal is illegal and for the Democrat’s thinking it is okay to bring all of the illegals and let them vote so they can wrack up votes for the Democrat’s is so wrong in many ways !! I have to show ID for so many things and voting should be one of them . In 2012 in Phoenix there was a guy who put a hundred ballots in the box like it was nothing . Nothing was done about it because it was Democrat’s votes ..
Well said
Hell YES!
Breaking the law? But citizens have laws to abide, illegals don’t have to follow the same requirements. Oh that’s right they aren’t “supposed” to be here…geez I guess I’m the new$#%&!@* no I’m just racist, wait no just take my guns!!!
Great Vice President right there
i would never vote for cruz he is likethe rest of the republican and cdemocrat senators a coward to fire or impeach obama
Yeah..add me so that we can be friends..
They broke the law coming here the first timr, so they should never be allowed back in the USA ever.