When Ted Cruz put on the spot about positions of his, he doesn’t back down from what he believes to pander for votes.
This was definitely the case Wednesday night when the Texas senator was attending a campaign function in Iowa. He was approached by a woman who questioned him in front of the crowd about his stance on illegal immigration.
The woman, whose parents brought her to the US as a child and was permitted to stay in the country due to President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, expressed her concern that she would be deported the first day of a Cruz presidency.
“As a DACA holder myself, I am worried about whoever comes next in the presidency and what’s gonna happen to people like us?” 30-year old Ofelia Valdez asked the candidate. Although many in the audience were shocked by Valdez’s audacity, Cruz politely answered her question, even though his answer certainly wasn’t the one she was looking for.
See footage of the incident for yourself on the next page:
The Cruz crowd is just to far right. If he wins the nomination every non right person will vote for the other guy and he/she will win in a landslide. #Trump2016
PC? Who cares about PC. This country is so sick and tired of coddling immigrants. He provided an honest answer, like it or not. Go through the legal system if you want to be in OUR country legally.
To me he makes more sense than all of them and I mean republicans because democrats forget it ,but that’s my opinion .you can vote fore whoever you want.
We don’t need Politically Correct. We have that now and look at the disasters taking place. We need someone who stands tall and with the courage to restore this nation to its greatness before the Muslim invasion in DC and throughout the country.
Immigrant or illegal alien?
If u don’t deport them we don’t want u in office.
I will support Ted Cruz all the way to the White House! No question if he is a natural born citizen due to the First Congress who passed a law providing,”And the children of citizens of the United States shall be considered as natural born citizens.” This includes children born to an American mother when the Father was a non-citizen.
Deport. NO benefits NO job. Americans need jobs
The answer should have been : Did you come into the country thru the system or over the fence? If you are here Illegally I will send you home where you can then apply for citizenship.
yes if youre here illegally get the f out of our country no free stuff for you come here legally