Islamic sex education for Muslim parents is extremely important according to this Imam. The Youtube video on the next page of the Imam telling other Muslim men what is appropriate and what is not when it comes to young girls demonstrates just how sick and twisted his ideology is.
“At the age of four, the parents change them, they change their bottom, they give them a bath, you know…and so on, at the age of four the hour becomes a measured hour, which is a very, very strict area, that even parents should avoid looking at,” states a smirking Imam, as he talks to two other men, “which is the private parts and the behind, the bottom. Okay?”
The Imam continues on to discuss 6 and 7-year-olds and how so much apparently has changed physically between age 4 and 6 that even more precaution must be made.
View the disturbing video on the next page, as only sick individuals would ever consider a child of that age sexy!
a good iman is a dead one. He is our sworn enemy.
That is what these sick people want, they want to force the women and girls in America to cover up from their head to their toes, they want to make it where women are afraid to leave their homes without a man to$#%&!@*them, they want us to not be able to drive a car or carry on a normal American life. Keep right on with your threats and every woman in America will be packing, we will protect ourselves, we will not be pushed back into the house to only wait on men. We will work our jobs and continue to grow in the community and country we live in. We have already fought this battle one time and we will not give up our rights, not to any goat loving Muslims and not to Obama and not to Hillary. Beware of the might of the true women of America not the pretend women that only knows how to demonstrate and leave trash. We are the women that work and raise our families, we are the mighty women that back our men not stomp on them.
Sick race and religion. It need to be erracted
Diseased culture
they’ve been taught their$#%&!@*from birth they’re not going to change
You Sick Disgusting Scumbag. Stay in your own country. Take your Sharia Law and shove it! You make me wanna puke, you Stupid Imbecile!!!
F**k you$#%&!@*hole