American schools in every city are now scrambling to try to deal with the large number of illegal minors who have crossed our border…and the kids just keep coming.
The federal government has shipped this illegals all over our country and now we are seeing the effects on our school system.
Click the link below for more info:
This is getting bad the schools cant afford the basics … I had to buy my kids art kits for their charter school. They study online. All of us need to question this.
It must be stupidity that brought us to this oppression, taking care of someone else’s children and our own children for whom we are responsible for are being ignored and are now stealing, fighting and protesting in the streets with no direction and no jobs.
All of us need to send a clear message to Congress and B Hussein Obama that we are fed up with this kind of assault and abuse of power. They need to get this under control with whatever means it takes.. gee whiz.
A bullet is 50 cents…
close the border and deport the other alresdy here.
We dont need them here ! Its going to make our national debt go even higher ! Obama is doing this illegally . He is committing a crime against our constituion that was layed out by our fore fathers .
That’s YOUR president you voted for TWICE. SUCK IT UP BUTTER CUP.
Great, because of Obama, we have 5 million of mexico’s poorest trash.
Time to LOCK the GATES!!!!
Okay, allAmericans quit working and apply for welfare….who’s going to pay for them then?