“These children will — and other immigrants who are attempting to enter the country without documentation — will go through the immigration process,” Earnest said.
“And that means their claims of asylum will be heard by an immigration judge and by asylum officials and what that means is, it means that if an immigration judge determines that they face a credible threat of death upon their return to their home country then — again I’m not an immigration judge — but it is likely that the immigration judge will find that that person should be granted humanitarian relief,” White House Sec. Josh Earnest states.
Of course, many will end up claiming that drug lords pose a threat and probably most will be granted asylum. Yes, these new Democrats are here to stay.
In a major shift in tone from last week, White House Sec. Josh Earnest told reporters Monday that unaccompanied illegal immigrant minors who face a credible threat of death in their home countries will “likely” be “granted humanitarian relief.”
“These children will — and other immigrants who are attempting to enter the country without documentation — will go through the immigration process,” Earnest said.
“And that means their claims of asylum will be heard by an immigration judge and by asylum officials and what that means is, it means that if an immigration judge determines that they face a credible threat of death upon their return to their home country then — again I’m not an immigration judge — but it is likely that the immigration judge will find that that person should be granted humanitarian relief,” he explained.
Last week Earnest said that “most” of the illegal immigrant children would be removed.
“It’s unlikely that most of the kids who go through this process will qualify for humanitarian relief, which is to say that most of them will not be found through that court process to have a legal basis to remain in this country,” he said.
Monday, Earnest was responding to calls from the left, from Democrats such as Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, that the unaccompanied minors streaming across the border should not be sent back to their home countries, which are said to be dangerous.
“We have said from the beginning that we are going to respect the basic due process to which these individuals are entitled,” Earnest said. “That continues to be true and that is, again part and parcel of the law that we’re enforcing.”
an American child has no say in court til they are 12 or 14 so how can an illegal child be any different? Oh, cause Obuma says so and he needs them to complete his plan. WAKE UP people. We are using kids to pull your heart strings
These illegals came here by the invitation of Barak Obama. He created this mess. He should be the one to clean it up.
yep, another words, all a Muslim has to do, is claim they have converted to Christianity. They get in free, and get on welfare pronto. then they get their free plane ticket to wherever they like in the U.S.
Make sure that there is no lying just to get in,the bigger ones are probably being trained to kill
Chicago should get asylum then
if that’s all it takes there wont be any room for real citizens so I am not happy
and they think the gang violence and drug cartels are any better here? get real people … this “hearing” for asylum won’t happen …. they’ll be in the wind and invisible as soon as possible and be living off your tax dollars … wait and see … new welfare recipients … who don’t speak English, don’t wanna speak English … will demand they retain their culture and language … demand more “special social services” …
Every country has its threats, where are we supposed to seek asylum.
Send them home where ever that is. I would love to know who is supplying the money for them to get here. I have hear several thoughts but nothing for sure