“These children will — and other immigrants who are attempting to enter the country without documentation — will go through the immigration process,” Earnest said.
“And that means their claims of asylum will be heard by an immigration judge and by asylum officials and what that means is, it means that if an immigration judge determines that they face a credible threat of death upon their return to their home country then — again I’m not an immigration judge — but it is likely that the immigration judge will find that that person should be granted humanitarian relief,” White House Sec. Josh Earnest states.
Of course, many will end up claiming that drug lords pose a threat and probably most will be granted asylum. Yes, these new Democrats are here to stay.
In a major shift in tone from last week, White House Sec. Josh Earnest told reporters Monday that unaccompanied illegal immigrant minors who face a credible threat of death in their home countries will “likely” be “granted humanitarian relief.”
“These children will — and other immigrants who are attempting to enter the country without documentation — will go through the immigration process,” Earnest said.
“And that means their claims of asylum will be heard by an immigration judge and by asylum officials and what that means is, it means that if an immigration judge determines that they face a credible threat of death upon their return to their home country then — again I’m not an immigration judge — but it is likely that the immigration judge will find that that person should be granted humanitarian relief,” he explained.
Last week Earnest said that “most” of the illegal immigrant children would be removed.
“It’s unlikely that most of the kids who go through this process will qualify for humanitarian relief, which is to say that most of them will not be found through that court process to have a legal basis to remain in this country,” he said.
Monday, Earnest was responding to calls from the left, from Democrats such as Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, that the unaccompanied minors streaming across the border should not be sent back to their home countries, which are said to be dangerous.
“We have said from the beginning that we are going to respect the basic due process to which these individuals are entitled,” Earnest said. “That continues to be true and that is, again part and parcel of the law that we’re enforcing.”
but what about the thousands of inner city kids here who face drug lords and have to sell themselves for unspeakable services because their parents cannot get a good paying job because illegals fill the spots. How about the thousands of Americans who have to live on the street and face life or death over a blanket and shoes that would love to be employed but an illegal fills the spot they could. How about the millions of kids and parents on our own soil who want to live the American dream but cannot because these people cross our boarders illegally. Each and every illegal crossing cost the american tax payers and legal american citizen their dreams because these illegals do not pay taxes do not contribute to the system which supports them and they bring their problems and drug gangs here. So in these rulings do the Judges think about the thousands of Legal people they effect on a daily basis.
to die or not to die. gonna be a long long line
This was all planned by Obama
stop trying to stir up trouble
Trouble for two more year’s !! And if Hellary
Well Oblama brought them here so let them stay with him.. Just sayin!
em back. they will be told what to say, and it won’t be the truth.
That´s some christian behaviour. Are you guys so afraid of other people? Never heared about helping each other or tolerence and acceptence? God bless America… They need it!
send them back!