Although President Trump’s ban on travel from seven countries has been suspended by the courts, the enforcement of existing laws continues. In fact, there appears to be an increase in arrests made of those in the country illegally, most of whom have criminal records. This is not an action unique to the Trump administration, but is getting additional publicity what with the president’s strong position on this issue.
The media, as expected, has been spinning this as some sort of act of persecution, brushing aside the fact that the people being arrested and detained chose to enter this country illegally, and many of these people have committed additional crimes since there arrival here. More on page two.
Keep it going
Nice to see ya…wouldnt wanna be ya
Yes more please
It appears that ICE is “practicing” Law Enforcement for the first time in eight years and haven’t received their reprimand from the White House yet? Will the Ninth Court call this a “brown lash” because ICE is arresting “after” they have entered the US?
So, ICE is finally able to do their jobs of enforcing the laws of this great nation? Good deal.