When the United States Bill of Rights was written in September of 1789, it was meant to ensure certain rights to American citizens. While some of those rights have been stepped on as of late by the Obama Administration and their liberal supporters, those rights were always and only ever meant for American citizens, something the activist group United We Stay wants to change.
The group, which represents “undocumented immigrants” has written their own bill of rights that guarantees illegal immigrants the same rights as American citizens once they step foot onto American soil.
Read these demands on the next page.
Here’s my list: Kiss my$#%&!@*
Can we go to other countries and demand free everything??
Why are we the citizens sitting like sitting duck while these illegals and refugees are killing America.
P**s off,$#%&!@*for brains.
Where is ICE when these gatherings take place? They could clean up.
This country is for citizens not the sneek thief that comes in the night, hiding behind the rocks and scrub. The alien invasion is not immigration it is war, it is invasion of a group that is determined to overthrow the government that was established to keep us free. These alien invaders need to be exterminated.
They shouldn’t have any rights, illegal is illegal period!
Depends on location actually
What? Can’t hear you.
This is not your country
Why do people vote demscrat when this is all they give us