U.S. Border Patrol agents and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) are releasing “low threat” illegal immigrants across the country.
They state this is to address the over-crowding of immigration detention centers.
Of course, most of these illegals are never going to voluntarily show up at their hearings, and the government knows this.
send them back
have them swim across the Rio to go home.
Send them back
wouldn’t be overcrowding if you sent them back asap. quit farting around. do your jobs.
Lazy $#%&!@*s. Take them back to their own country.!! MORONS.!!! We are over crowded, over populated because of you bringing them on into our country and releasing them. SUCH DUMB ASSES.!!!
more orders from obummer
Hell no
March back to their own country. Tell come and get shot at. Don’t want them around. Any contractor will never be able bring them work at my house.
If they are not going to do the job they are payed to do, then realeese them at the extrem southern end of mexico.