U.S. Border Patrol agents and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) are releasing “low threat” illegal immigrants across the country.
They state this is to address the over-crowding of immigration detention centers.
Of course, most of these illegals are never going to voluntarily show up at their hearings, and the government knows this.
Deport there illegal asses
Well, DUH, refuse to let them come in!!!! Geez, has nobody in the government got any brains????
I think them being released is not right……I think a bullet to the back of there heads would be more fitting if they executed some of them and beefed up border patrols maybe the illegals wouldn’t be so fast to try to cross……I say execute the trerrorists
house em in unused cattle rail cars. I am over the freaking excuses for not strengthening our borders. the Fed Gov must close the freaking borders or citizens will start doing the job instead
The INS is breaking the law! Local Sheriffs should arrest the INS officers!
SEND them home
Obama is Forcing them to do this! that is the “TRUTH” and it is “Treasonous”!
Why can’t they be released on the other side of the border?
send them back