U.S. Border Patrol agents and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) are releasing “low threat” illegal immigrants across the country.
They state this is to address the over-crowding of immigration detention centers.
Of course, most of these illegals are never going to voluntarily show up at their hearings, and the government knows this.
put them on a buss and ship them back how hard is that?
Dump them back over the boarder, and give them 5 min. to run for there life.
And people get mad a tme for not allowing myself to forced into learning spanish.I don’t want to speak arabic either. When the vietnamese were being brought here after the the war we weren’t forced to speak their language. You don’t see veitnamese on a box of cereal. but you will find mostly english and spanish. This was all planned.Take time to think about what i am saying. Am I really being ridiculous? I don’t think so.
Do not release them in the USA mainland. If they are low threat, release them in the Terra del Fuego part of South America. Then they would have to do a long journey back up here.
should just dig a deep hole and bury them $#%&!@*s
how about the government using the air force to translocate these criminals bask to southern mexico with an rfid chip in them so that when they re enter the USA we can know them to be the criminals that they are!
On the orders of obama and holder.
Shoot them problem solved.
They may or may not be a threat to our physical safety, but they are all a threat to our finances.
bull$#%&!@*, send them back, should be no reason to hold them….