U.S. Border Patrol agents and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) are releasing “low threat” illegal immigrants across the country.
They state this is to address the over-crowding of immigration detention centers.
Of course, most of these illegals are never going to voluntarily show up at their hearings, and the government knows this.
why are they not deported back to their own country/ this is c**p they are illegal!
just send them back right a way
Total of comments = SEND THEM BACK AT ONCE !!!
They are all a threat in some form or another.
just ship them home and quit wasting our money and time
Again it will be on the tax payers to get this done. If they are close to the border why don’t we just ship them home???? And while we are at it, why not send all of them home who are not citizens, from anywhere in the country. Also halt work visas for foreign people working in the States. I can remember when they used to fine people who hired illegals, what happened to that law?
they can release them back into their own country so obama doesnt have more excuses to destroy america
This has been going under this administration for years. Everyone needs to be more informed and hold your elected officials accountable
deport them all.
they are close to the border, send them back