Liberals have made it clear in recent years that they do not believe in enforcing United States immigration laws. They have made this obvious through the implementation of “sanctuary cities.” These sanctuary cities protect illegal immigrant populations from punishment for breaking the laws that protect the sovereignty of the United States.
Former first lady and Secretary of State — and Democratic presidential nominee — Hillary Clinton recently detailed a specific, step-by-step plan to dissolve the border security of the United States within her first 100 days in office if she is elected president.
President Obama, through executive order, that even he declared unconstitutional, granted legal status to millions of illegal immigrants currently living in the United States.
The attitudes and actions of leading liberal politicians in this country have emboldened illegal immigrants to continue entering and living in the country illegally. Who can blame them when even our president doesn’t believe in our laws? Just last week, the valedictorian of a Texas high school admitted to being an illegal immigrant in her graduation speech to thunderous applause. To hear how the teen blasted the United States government — along with GOP nominee Donald Trump — continue reading on the next page:
Angel Toro yes that Trump. You better pray to God he gets elected and we don’t have another term like the previous two. We’re on the verge of waking a sleeping bear.
It’s a shame this young woman is caught up in this but I believe that they should strip her of her education throw her and her parents back over into Mexico and tell him now that you’re educated you should know what to do legally and do it legally she acts so smart she’s valedictorian what they should throw back over the wall or whatever is there today and have them come back legally
Deport the illegal
The news’ networks presented her story to viewers like she is some kind of heroine. She should not have been in our school system as she is illegal and should not have had access to it. She’s illegal. Can I break the law by not paying my school taxes; after all, it’s just a law?
So of it were a Christian , she would be taken off the platform on two seconds?!
Send her back right now.
These people are garbage all they want is free and$#%&!@*they don’t get enough trash!
Billy Powell What “Bear” is that exactly?
Educate us angel, illegals pay taxes, say what? How exactly does the irs identify them, their social security number? Im in the construction industry in florida bud, I know first hand, they aint payin no taxes my man.
Her home country sure could use young ladies like this. Why not try to pave the way for more young men and women in her own country to get an education ? Makes no sense to me. Does she not love her own country enough and think it worthy of fighting for….. hmmm.