When it comes to being generous with other people’s money, Barack Obama has no equal. There are millions of illegal aliens in the U.S. who, it is said, are “hiding in the shadows.” In my part of California they are hiding in plain sight, and in fact are the majority population in some cities. In addition, if by hiding Obama means demanding free public services and benefits like health care and free schooling, I guess he is right.
Obama will claim that many of these illegal aliens pay taxes, and so are entitled to services. But the fact is that low income earners receive a tax rebate called an earned income rebate, depending on how many family members are in the home.
Latin American families here illegally often have many more children than the average U.S. household, and so receive money back from the government, even if they do not earn enough to pay federal income tax. Add to that the average cost to educate a child in California, now standing at $14,500 per year, per child, and it is clear that illegal immigrants are a huge drain on the economy, even if they do pay a small amount in taxes.
But Obama is ignoring enforcement of immigration laws, advising border patrol to cease efforts to track and bring illegals to hearings, and he seems intent on opening our borders and providing amnesty and citizenship to all who are here or who want to come.
One reason is very obvious, he is creating a huge wave of beholden new citizens who will be Democrat voters for life. The fact that Obama is ignoring immigration laws and enforcement is creating another problem as well. Far from hiding in the shadows, the illegal immigrants are feeling entitled and demanding rights and benefits that can only reasonably be offered to citizens of this country.
Instead, there is the perception among illegals that they can demand all manner of benefits with zero concern that they will be denied, or more appropriately, returned to their home country. One example should suffice to make the case that Obama’s open border policy has distorted the perception of those who are here illegally.
Lawsuit by illegal stuck in courts, page 2:
Find a nice high Tree and rope for them. Bring beer and chips for the show.
Look at him smiling.. this is what they do everyday you support for them being here.. it’s coming out of your tax dollars.. wake up
Only in America
If you are illegal you only deserve a jail cell or deportation
Why not , seem to be giving them everything else , why not .
Sadly I bet you he wins
That is so wrong
No, Lacey, illegals collect workers comp benefits also by way of the stolen social security numbers they use. Then they file lawsuits against their employer and collect settlements also. If their case were to go to trial, the jury would not be able to hear that they are illegal and are using a fraudulent SS # because that information is considered prejudicial. Nice system we have.
That’s a new one to me