Time for gambling. Let’s mix the following ingredients:
Illegal alien man from country loaded with social unrest.
Twelve-year-old girl.
Illegal man doesn’t fear the law in the first place.
What happens?
Twelve-year-old girls become pregnant – that’s what happens.
When our media stops worrying if delicate reporter’s arms were squeezed too hard when they break protocol and starts asking why so many illegals are rapists, we may get somewhere on the issue of making borders more secure.
Of course, making the border’s secure is last on the leftist MSM’s priority list.
See the next page for details on the awful illegal rapist of children.
Hang him, problem solved
Bring him to California prisons. We will be waiting with open arms. I mean to open his chest. I mean. Have him do the time here. We got lil somemm somemm for em ayyy…
Aaron Guy With a 12 year old??? don’t understand your post
Aaron Guy You are full of BS
Yvonne Taber That still doesn’t tell us where he is from? It doesnt’ say he is a Mexican does it now? Just an illegal
Sick perverted bastard
castrate him then prison,
Send him home with his canines in a jar!
Deport him to the bottom of the ocean