After being elected, Donald Trump promised to withhold funds from cities that refuse to comply with federal immigration enforcement. Since the announcement, several local governments have abandoned their sanctuary status while others doubled-down on their promise to defy the federal government. Areas that fall into the latter category are already feeling the repercussions of their consequential decision.
It’s not just money that they’re risking. It’s safety. Not only do illegal immigrants take more from the economy than they contribute — they also add to the risk of violent crime.
Connecticut residents are learning that lesson the hard way this week. Two days after the state’s governor declared Connecticut a sanctuary state, an illegal immigrant murdered a mother and kidnapped a six-year-old girl.
Read about the heinous crime on the next page:
You get what you pay for CT!
Blood is on the hands of any politician that allows illegals sanctuary. They should sued personally for their actions and it comes outn of their pockets.
Hang These POS’s Publically to Show we Mean Business!!!
I despise my governor. I can’t wait to vote Malloy out.
There’s no fate but what we make for ourselves.
Praying for the little girl to be found and for the family members who are grieving. May the God of the Bible hold you and
He should be brought up on murder charges
How did that one work out for you gov???????
democrat governor wants to kill his citizens…. he doesn’t want to keep them safe