According to Dr. Jane Orient, Executive Dir. of Assoc. of American Physicians and Surgeons, illegal immigrant children are probably behind the spreading of a mysterious respiratory disease and the government is very tight-lipped about the disease.
So why would the government be so quiet about a threat to public health?
Click the link below to read more:
Wake up Obama is a traitor! You fools that voted for him are sheep going to slaughter.
If this doesn’t work for Obama then Ebola will!
No, Jwmes, the people ignoring this are left wing wackos.
My name is James, not Jwmes. The president merely updated a law passed during the Bush administration when the SARS threat was big. Two things wrong with this thread: no cases of ebola has been reported in immigrant children; b-why was there no fuss when George Bush passed this executive order in the first place? Here is the text from the CDC:
We can all thank Obama for not protecting the boarder and allowing these diseased illegals to come on in, His plan is working infect the American people and kill them all.
Coincidence, I think not
That is PART of the purpose.
it’s called border–again, where were the whiners when Bush “let in” SARS? It’s racist and un-American to blame everything that goes wrong in this country on Obama. AS it turns out, even though the dead ebola guy told doctors of his symptoms and that he had been in West Africa, they sent him home with some antibiotics. So blame the texas docs, not the president. I suppose that if you guys want to blame the black man for everything, there’s nothing I can say to change that.
This is old
yep…..howling $#%&!@* bigots freakin out over that scary black man! LOL dumb $#%&!@*s.