According to Dr. Jane Orient, Executive Dir. of Assoc. of American Physicians and Surgeons, illegal immigrant children are probably behind the spreading of a mysterious respiratory disease and the government is very tight-lipped about the disease.
So why would the government be so quiet about a threat to public health?
Click the link below to read more:
And to top this off,the doctors were giving a gag order by the Government not to say anything about diseases coming across the border.
Protect yourself. That is all you can do.
You know it’s a lie but you tell it anyway. What sort of creatures are you people?
Nothing with this man is a coincidence. A while back he signed a exececutive order to reduce the regulations on quarantine for people entering the country with a possible deadly disease – still wondering how he got away with that one, but then he gets away with a lot.
Lord please save us from this menace in the White House
Call them what they are illegal alians, not immigrants
You people are such sheep. The original EO was signed by Bush in 2003. It addressed communicable diseases and actions that the CDC and Surgeon General can take. It does not address martial law. Obama added certain communicable diseases to the list. No mention of martial law actions. Here is Bush’s EO Here is Obama’s addition
congress must take executive authority away from Obama to stop him from his dictatorship of the USA.
I guess we r all stupid ?